Every winter I have the same issue: my face dries and cracks like a desert floor. This is California, what gives? God forbid I ever endure a Colorado winter.... This winter, just like every other, I tried switching facial creams, going back to my facial oil, and then finally I tried something different: coconut oil. I know what you're thinking. O-I-L spells B-R-E-A-K-O-U-T-S! Actually it spelled something a little more like this: L-U-S-C-I-O-U-S winter skin. And contrary to my initial fear, the breakouts that so lovingly congregated on my chin were gone within a few days, due to what I later found out was because of coconut oil's antibacterial properties.
We get acne for several reasons, though the main one is the accumulation of bacteria, known as propionibacterium, and our body's response to it. Coconut oil's anti-inflammatory properties ward off irritated bumps that ornament breakouts. When using coconut oil, make sure to get extra virgin, which allows our skin to breathe and disallows clogged pores. The abundant antioxidants in coconut oil keep our skin from oxidizing, much like an avocado turns brown when oxygen reaches it. In other words, it keeps our skin looking young! Not to mention, wrinkles love dry skin, so lay it on thick, baby!
A few great uses for coconut oil include:
-Product for shiny, soft, anti-frizz hair (put a dime to nickel size amount in hands, rub together, and work into damp hair from bottom up, staying away from the roots.)
-Butter/oil alternative for cooking and baking
-Stir into tea for healthy fats
-Body lotion
-Aids healing in bacterial, viral, and fungal infections
& more!
[Did you know...?] Polynesians have used coconut oil for centuries, which is why they are known to have such beautiful glowing skin and shiny hair.
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