About Me

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Hi! I'm Kristina. I'm a nutrition student ( and RD to be) with a passion for healing from the inside out. Sports nutrition, clinical nutrition and food politics RULE, and I have big plans to create change for the better. This is a collection of my quick/healthful recipes, scholarly endeavors, and daily motivation. I am a Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Ambassador. My goal is to educate the San Luis Obispo, CA community on the importance of eating wholesome foods. Enjoy, loves!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Keep It Organic!

As I skimmed through my Facebook page this morning, with one eye still partially shut, I came across a wonderful article from Positively Positive that I think is imperative for you all to read. The topic? Chemicals to look out for in your beauty products. It's essentially the same idea as eating organic foods--not putting unnecessary, harmful substances into your body.
If you are conscious of your health, you are probably aware of the toxic effects of chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate, which has gained the most notoriety of those on the long list of toxins, after being discovered to cause carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals). Studies have shown that after being exposed to these sorts of toxins for years and years on end, chronic disease can incur. From shampoos to face powders, these chemicals are lurking everywhere. The only real way to avoid them is to read the ingredients list.
Natural products are becoming more and more popular, seeing as stores like Target and CVS have stocked up on the goods, and even made specific sections in their stores, for those of us who are watching what goes into our bodies. It's not just about food anymore; we have many portals of entries in our bodies, and the oral route is merely one of them. Therefore, I urge you to take a look at Positively Positive's succinct blog post about these nasties, and keep a mental picture of which words to look out for when shopping.
So, ditch the mirror, and become body conscious the right way! Here is the link to the blog post that will change your consumer habits for good:


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