About Me

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Hi! I'm Kristina. I'm a nutrition student ( and RD to be) with a passion for healing from the inside out. Sports nutrition, clinical nutrition and food politics RULE, and I have big plans to create change for the better. This is a collection of my quick/healthful recipes, scholarly endeavors, and daily motivation. I am a Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Ambassador. My goal is to educate the San Luis Obispo, CA community on the importance of eating wholesome foods. Enjoy, loves!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weekend Cookin' with the Fam: Cornbread

I never eat cornbread, but for some reason I always crave it. WEIRD. Finally, I made it this weekend for the first time. Happy tummies all around. Found a quick lil' recipe online, and made it with my family on Sunday. Whole wheat honey sweetened cornbread with Earth Balance honey butter. NOMZ.

My next endeavor is food photography. I've been using my IPhone camera, but I want to learn to take beautiful pictures. I've been on a mission to find a spectacular-picture-taking-but-not-pocket-draining camera/lens. Impossible! Man, are those things expensive! I'm hoping to get one by the end of summer. My camera savings begin with my next paycheck. I've already gotten some helpful tips, but any others along with any resources involving the topic would be much appreciated! Thanks darlings.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This morning's breakie

Late nights out entail eggy mornings for me! I usually have fruit for breakfast, but there's something about a night full of dancing and wine that makes me crave a warm, savory breakfast. My family is obsessed with eggs. Ever since I was younger breakfast was always eggs, eggs, eggs. Weekends are when we actually get to sit down together and enjoy our mornings. Saturday, ever since I can remember, is scrambled with bacon day and Sunday is soft boiled. Whatever it is, I'll eat 'em however! Mmmmm.
This morn, I sauteed some spinach with salt and pepper and threw in some tomatoes at the end just to warm them. Topped off with a poached egg and my favorite toast buttered with Earth Balance, my morning is complete.
One egg every day is good to maintain and not exceed healthy amounts of cholesterol.

[Did you know... Eggs are an awesome source of protein, coming in at around only 80 calories each.]

Monday, May 9, 2011

Healthy Ice Cream!

Ice cream (well, frozen yogurt, but who can tell the difference?) packed with protein, that helps keep your blood sugar under control (thank you, cinnamon). Oh, and did I mention you don't need an ice cream maker? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE!? Right in my fridge, actually. Today I made this wonder concoction, and it's a lot easier than you'd expect!
Here's what you'll need:

Sweet Cinnamon Frozen Yogurt
-Blender or food processor
-1 cup greek yogurt
-1 tsp cinnamon
-100% natural maple syrup to taste
-2 dates, pitted (optional)

Simply mix all the goodies together in a bowl, cover, and put in the freezer. Mix every hour for 3 hours. When it's ready to eat, put it in the food processor, once more, and mix and press the mixture with the back of a spoon to make the little ice balls creamy. Put in a pretty bowl, and serve.
If you're adding the dates, you can make some date paste by throwing two dates in the food processor or blender, and then add the rest of the ingredients and process until homogeneous before you freeze it. I added a few date chunks on top to give it varying texture. The cool, spiced cream pairs well with the caramel-y flavor and random clusters of sugar from the dates.
All in all, I think this went well for a first trial of homemade froyo. Next time, I'll puree a date and banana before I mix in the yogurt, topped with coconut. Aloha, sweetness! MMMM!

What are your guys' favorite flavor combinations?

[Did you know?... Cinnamon acts as a natural preservative.]

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth Naturally

Upon waking this morning there were two things I needed to accomplish (well, three if you want to include my freakin' chemistry homework...). I needed to find dates and cherimoya. My mom and I went to the Farmer's Market where we found both. We also picked up some Italian parsley and cilantro to plant in our garden!
I admit it-- I'm a sugar addict. I'm also a health nut. The two don't really go hand-in-hand. So, I'm always looking for ways to incorporate health and indulgence. Cherimoyas and dates are the epitome of just that!
I had always been weary of dates. I mean, come on, they look like little turds or some sort of monster beetle. But, I'm always one to try anything, especially if I've been hearing good things. I asked the kind man behind the table if I could taste one, encouraged by his beaming fervor. When I tasted it, I was surprised by the flavor. I was starstruck. I bit into the chewy, sweet flesh, every now and then biting on a crystalized sugar chunk (natural sugars that the sun caramelizes, mind you!) They're reminiscent of caramel. My taste buds did the happy dance, and I'm hooked. Enlivened by how well my date tasting went, I was anxious to taste the cherimoya. Once I got home, I sliced into the soft, green skin of the cherimoya, dove my spoon in and took a bite. Succulence, I tell you. My family wasn't so keen as I was when it came to the cherimoya, also known as "custard apple." It really does taste like custard, though! The only difference is that custard apple has more of a tarty bite and gelatinous consistency.
So far, my ventures for today have been mighty successful. I'm in love, and life is good. Now if only I can conquer that chemistry homework....

[Did you know...]
-Cherimoyas are native to Peru, and grow freely in the high mountains of the Andes.
-During ancient times, dates were reserved as a delicacy only for the regal.