About Me

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Hi! I'm Kristina. I'm a nutrition student ( and RD to be) with a passion for healing from the inside out. Sports nutrition, clinical nutrition and food politics RULE, and I have big plans to create change for the better. This is a collection of my quick/healthful recipes, scholarly endeavors, and daily motivation. I am a Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Ambassador. My goal is to educate the San Luis Obispo, CA community on the importance of eating wholesome foods. Enjoy, loves!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This morning's breakie

Late nights out entail eggy mornings for me! I usually have fruit for breakfast, but there's something about a night full of dancing and wine that makes me crave a warm, savory breakfast. My family is obsessed with eggs. Ever since I was younger breakfast was always eggs, eggs, eggs. Weekends are when we actually get to sit down together and enjoy our mornings. Saturday, ever since I can remember, is scrambled with bacon day and Sunday is soft boiled. Whatever it is, I'll eat 'em however! Mmmmm.
This morn, I sauteed some spinach with salt and pepper and threw in some tomatoes at the end just to warm them. Topped off with a poached egg and my favorite toast buttered with Earth Balance, my morning is complete.
One egg every day is good to maintain and not exceed healthy amounts of cholesterol.

[Did you know... Eggs are an awesome source of protein, coming in at around only 80 calories each.]