About Me

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Hi! I'm Kristina. I'm a nutrition student ( and RD to be) with a passion for healing from the inside out. Sports nutrition, clinical nutrition and food politics RULE, and I have big plans to create change for the better. This is a collection of my quick/healthful recipes, scholarly endeavors, and daily motivation. I am a Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Ambassador. My goal is to educate the San Luis Obispo, CA community on the importance of eating wholesome foods. Enjoy, loves!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


When I was in Seattle last summer with my mom, we came across a tea bar. Anyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with tea, so of course I got super excited and begged my mom to check out the place. They had a drool-worthy variety of teas in huge clear, glass jars lining the wall behind the tea "bar," many of them of asian decent.
One of such is the pu-erh tea, which is named after a county in China. Many varieties of this tea are fermented; AKA it tastes like dirt. No, I am not joking, and yes I still drink it. Why, you ask?

Here are the benefits of (as I like to call it) "dirt tea:"
-It is said to better the flow of chi, or energy, throughout the body
-Diminishes aches and pains
-Aids digestion
-May promote weight loss
-Lowers bad cholesterol
-Contains antioxidants to slow the aging process
and best of all...
-Cleanses the spleen, making it excellent for rejuvenating the body after drinking alcohol or helping to sober up

Drink up, babies!

[Did you know...? Tea is an excellent way to heal ailments without prescriptions (when practical), increase water intake, and satisfy your sweet tooth!]


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